Results for 'Alex Castillo Novales'

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  1.  23
    Modelo de Gestión para el Teletrabajo en la Administración Pública Chilena.Alex Castillo Novales - 2022 - Revista Ethika+ 6:117-147.
    El presente articulo aborda la experiencia de los y las funcionarias públicas con el teletrabajo en pandemia como base para proponer un Modelo de Gestión y matriz que oriente a las instituciones públicas en materia de teletrabajo, para convertirlas en organizaciones públicas resilientes que logren cumplir metalingüísticamente con el concepto de teletrabajo mediante la generación de valor público.
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    Psychological well-being and sedentary lifestyle levels in artisanal fishermen from Los Lagos Region, Chile.Alex Véliz Burgos, Anita Dörner Paris & Miguel Ripoll Novales - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (2):323-337.
    Diversos estudios internacionales indican que los pescadores sufren diferentes problemas de salud, entre los cuales son frecuentes las enfermedades cardiovasculares, accidentes laborales, heridas, ahogamientos, estrés laboral y problemas de salud mental. Objetivo: Con el estudio se pretendió identificar el nivel de bienestar sicológico y sedentarismo de pescadores artesanales de la Región de Los Lagos, Chile. Método: Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo que consistió en la aplicación de la escala de bienestar sicológico de Ryff y la versión breve del cuestionario de (...)
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    Transparency and Self-Knowledge.Alex Byrne - 2018 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    You know what someone else is thinking and feeling by observing them. But how do you know what you are thinking and feeling? This is the problem of self-knowledge: Alex Byrne tries to solve it. The idea is that you know this not by taking a special kind of look at your own mind, but by an inference from a premise about your environment.
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  4. The metaphysics of properties.Alex Oliver - 1996 - Mind 105 (417):1-80.
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  5. Priority or Equality for Possible People?Alex Voorhoeve & Marc Fleurbaey - 2016 - Ethics 126 (4):929-954.
    Suppose that you must make choices that may influence the well-being and the identities of the people who will exist, though not the number of people who will exist. How ought you to choose? This paper answers this question. It argues that the currency of distributive ethics in such cases is a combination of an individual’s final well-being and her expected well-being conditional on her existence. It also argues that this currency should be distributed in an egalitarian, rather than a (...)
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  6. Ethical Guidelines for innovative surgery.Alex London (ed.) - unknown - Hagerstown, MD: University publishing group.
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  7. Why One Should Count Only Claims with which One Can Sympathize.Alex Voorhoeve - 2017 - Public Health Ethics 10 (2):148-156.
    When one faces competing claims of varying strength on public resources for health, which claims count? This paper proposes the following answer. One should count, or aggregate, a person’s claim just in case one could sympathize with her desire to prioritize her own claim over the strongest competing claim. It argues that this principle yields appealing case judgments and has a plausible grounding in both sympathetic identification with each person, taken separately, and respect for the person for whom most is (...)
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  8. Multigrade predicates.Alex Oliver & Timothy Smiley - 2004 - Mind 113 (452):609-681.
    The history of the idea of predicate is the history of its emancipation. The lesson of this paper is that there are two more steps to take. The first is to recognize that predicates need not have a fixed degree, the second that they can combine with plural terms. We begin by articulating the notion of a multigrade predicate: one that takes variably many arguments. We counter objections to the very idea posed by Peirce, Dummett's Frege, and Strawson. We show (...)
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    Social value, clinical equipoise, and research in a public health emergency.Alex John London - 2018 - Bioethics 33 (3):326-334.
    The 2016 CIOMS International ethical guidelines for health‐related research involving humans states that ‘health‐related research should form an integral part of disaster response’ and that, ‘widespread emergency use [of unproven interventions] with inadequate data collection about patient outcomes must therefore be avoided’ (Guideline 20). This position is defended against two lines of criticism that emerged during the 2014 Ebola outbreak. One holds that desperately ill patients have a moral right to try unvalidated medical interventions (UMIs) and that it is therefore (...)
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    Equipose and international human-subjects research.Alex John London - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (4):312–332.
    This paper examines the role of equipoise in evaluating international research. It distinguishes two possible formulations of the equipoise requirement that license very different evaluations of international research proposals. The interpretation that adopts a narrow criterion of similarity between clinical contexts has played an important role in one recent controversy, but it suffers from a number of problems. An alternative interpretation that adopts a broader criterion of similarity does a better job of avoiding both exploitation of the brute fact of (...)
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  11. Re.Alex Carp & Jamie Fisher - 2021 - In Lietje Bauwens, Quenton Miller, Wolfgang Tillmans, Karoline Swiezynski, Sepake Angiama & Achal Prabahla (eds.), Speculative facts. [Eindhoven, Netherlands]: Onomatopee.
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  12. Zilch.Alex Oliver & Timothy Smiley - 2013 - Analysis 73 (4):601-613.
    We all learn about the mistake of treating ‘nothing’ as if it were a term standing for something; but is it a mistake to treat it as an empty term, denoting nothing? We argue not, and we introduce ‘zilch’, defined as ‘the non-self-identical thing’, as a term which is empty as a matter of logical necessity. We contrast its behaviour with that of the quantifier ‘nothing’, and illustrate its uses. We use the same idea to vindicate Locke’s, Descartes’ and Hume’s (...)
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    Placebos that harm: Sham surgery controls in clinical trials.Alex London - unknown
    Recent debates over the use of sham surgery as a control for studies of fetal tissue transplantation for Parkinson’s disease have focused primarily on rival interpretations of the US federal regulations governing human-subjects research. Using the core ethical and methodological considerations that underwrite the equipoise requirement, we nd strong prima facie reasons against using sham surgery as a control in studies of cellular-based therapies for Parkinson’s disease and more broadly in clinical research. Additionally, we believe that these reasons can be (...)
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    Ethics of Early Intervention in Alzheimer’s Disease.Alex McKeown, Gin S. Malhi & Ilina Singh - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (4):212-223.
  15.  46
    Responsiveness to Host Community Health Needs.Alex John London - unknown
    There is near universal agreement within the scientific and ethics communities that a necessary condition for the moral permissibility of cross-national, collaborative research is that it be responsive to the health needs of the host community. It has proven difficult, however, to leverage or capitalize on this consensus in order to resolve lingering disputes about the ethics of international medical research. This is largely because different sides in these debates have sometimes provided different interpretations of what this requirement amounts to (...)
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  16. How to Silence Content with Porn, Context and Loaded Questions.Alex Davies - 2016 - European Journal of Philosophy 24 (2):498-522.
    Using a combination of semantic theory and findings from conversation analysis, this paper describes a way in which questions, which incorporate presuppositions that are false, when used in a courtroom cross-examination wherein there are certain turn-taking rules, rights and restrictions, stop a rape victim from expressing the content that she wants to express in that context. This kind of silencing contrasts with other kinds of silencing that consist in the disabling of a speech act's force, rather than precluding the expression (...)
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  17. Discourse coherence and gesture interpretation.Alex Lascarides & M. Stone - manuscript
    In face-to-face interaction, speakers make multimodal contributions that exploit both the linguistic resources of spoken language and the visual and spatial affordances of gesture. In this paper, we argue that, in formulating and understanding such multimodal contributions, interlocutors apply the same principles of coherence that characterize the interpretation of natural language discourse. In particular, we use a close analysis of a series of naturally-occurring embodied discourses to argue for two key generalizations. First, communicators and their audiences draw on coherence relations (...)
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    Beyond Access vs. Protection in Trials of Innovative Therapies.Alex John London, Jonathan Kimmelman & Marina Elena Emborg - unknown
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    Uncommon misconceptions and common morality.Alex John London - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (12):778-779.
    One of the fundamental challenges in any field of practical ethics is to articulate a framework for deliberation and decision making that is capable of providing warranted guidance about contentious ethical questions.1 Such a framework has to function effectively in the face of empirical uncertainty and what Rawls refers to as the fact of reasonable pluralism—the fact that individuals often differ in their ideals, ambitions, preferences and conceptions of the good life. One of the perennial questions in normative and metaethics (...)
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    Do Birds of a Feather Cheat Together? How Personality and Relationships Affect Student Cheating.Alex J. Scrimpshire, Thomas H. Stone, Jennifer L. Kisamore & I. M. Jawahar - 2017 - Journal of Academic Ethics 15 (1):1-22.
    Academic misconduct is widespread in schools, colleges, and universities and it appears to be an international phenomenon that also spills over into the workplace. To this end, while a great deal of research has investigated various individual components such as, demographic, personality and situational factors that contribute to cheating, research has yet to examine why students help others cheat and which students are being asked to help others cheat. In this study, we investigated if the closeness of the relationship to (...)
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  21. Kuhn on Incommensurability and Theory Choice.Alex Davies - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (4):571-579.
    The incommensurability of two theories seems to problematize theory comparisons, which allow for the selection of the better of the two theories. If so, it becomes puzzling how the quality of theories can improve with time, i.e. how science can progress across changes in incommensurable theories. I argue that in papers published in the 1990s, Kuhn provided a novel way to resolve this apparent tension between incommensurability and scientific progress. He put forward an account of their compatibility which worked not (...)
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    Does Research Ethics Rest on a Mistake? The Common Good, Reasonable Risk and Social Justice.Alex John London - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (1):37 – 39.
  23.  2
    Hegemony and the politics of labour: towards a discourse theory of value in contemporary capitalism.Alex Luke - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    While Marx’s animating spirit can be found at the heart of much work in critical discourse studies, use of his ideas and concepts in this work is much less widespread. This has, however, been slowl...
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  24. Human rights, self-determination, and external legitimacy.Alex Levitov - 2015 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 14 (3):291-315.
    It is commonly supposed that at least some states possess a moral right against external intervention in their domestic affairs and all human rights violations give members of the international community reasons to undertake preventive or remedial action against offending states. No state, however, currently protects or could reasonably be expected to protect its subjects’ human rights to a perfect degree. In view of this reality, many have found it difficult to explain how any existing or readily foreseeable state could (...)
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    Hazy Totalities and Indefinitely Extensible Concepts.Alex Oliver - 1998 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 55 (1):25-50.
    Dummctt argues that classical quantification is illegitimate when the domain is given as the objects which fall under an indefinitely extensible concept, since in such cases the objects are not the required definite totality. The chief problem in understanding this complex argument is the crucial but unexplained phrase 'definite totality' and the associated claim that it follows from the intuitive notion of set that the objects over which a classical quantifier ranges form a set. 'Definite totality' is best understood as (...)
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  26. Significado y uso de la Noción de Simetría en Fisica: Una Reconstrucción Desde el Mundo Griego Hasta la Edad Moderna.Ruth Castillo - manuscript
    Under the approach of basic concepts analysis and historical reconstruction, the evolution in meaning and use of symmetry, from the Greek world to the modern age is recognized, classifying it under the schemes of Branding-Castellani, R. Carnap and J. Roche. In this sense, two problems are studied: 1) the existence or not of the term symmetry in antiquity and 2) the Leibnizian position in reference to the understanding of the inertial problem and its repercussions in the evolution of the notion.
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  27. “Agustín de la Torre and the beginning of Physics in Venezuela: a historical approach to the beginnings of technical and scientific thought in Venezuela”,.Ruth Castillo - manuscript
    Reconstruying historically the beginning of development scientific thought in Venezuela, particularly in Physics, allow to account imperative need to preserve academic-scientific formation of Venezuelan society in 21st century. The Venezuelan historians Rafael Balza and Yajaira Freites in their respectively studies "Modern Physics in the Caraqueña Society of the late eighteenth century: between Mathematics and technique and "The problem of knowledge between hacendados and illustrated merchants of the province of Caracas-Venezuela (1793-1810)" allow to account efforts of Agustín de la Torre to (...)
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  28. From Einstein's Physics to Neurophilosophy: On the notions of space, time and field as cognoscitive conditions under Kantian-Husserlian approach in the General Relativity Theory.Ruth Castillo - forthcoming - Bitácora-E.
    The current technoscientific progress has led to a sectorization in the philosophy of science. Today the philosophy of science isn't is informal interested in studying old problems about the general characteristics of scientific practice. The interest of the philosopher of science is the study of concepts, problems and riddles of particular disciplines. Then, within this progress of philosophy of science, neuroscientific research stands out, because it invades issues traditionally addressed by the humanities, such as the nature of consciousness, action, knowledge, (...)
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  29. Sham Surgery and Genuine Standards of Care: Can the Two be Reconciled?Alex John London & Joseph B. Kadane - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (4):61-64.
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  30. Venezuela y el Éxodo Científico y Profesional: Un análisis a los Programas Internacionales de Apoyo a Científicos, Académicos y Profesionales Venezolanos en el Exilio, Refugiados y en Riesgo.Ruth Castillo - forthcoming - Democrazia E Sicurezza.
    El exilio de académicos y científicos venezolanos, representa un desastre para una colectividad emergente y joven dentro del país. La desatención a la comunidad académica venezolana en el exilio, puede llevar a una desconexión, pérdida y aislamiento de la Ciencia venezolana ─formada antes y durante los primeros años del periodo totalitario─ dentro del contexto nacional e internacional. Actualmente los intentos por mantener la cohesión de la comunidad académica venezolana en el exilio están fragmentados y desvinculados entre sí, lo que se (...)
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  31. (1 other version)From Harmony to Automorphism: The Use of Symmetry as a Term of Metalanguage in Physics.Ruth Castillo - forthcoming - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela.
    For Tarski talk about the truth in a language, and not generate contradictions, it requires doing it from a different language with greater expressive power: the metalanguage. So, a metalanguage is a language that is used to talk about another language. In scientific language this distinction is very important. In physics, the notion of symmetry is shown through the language used within physical theories. In this way, through algebraic language ─automorphism─ we shown the symmetry ─invariancia, order, equilibrium─ finding (within the (...)
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    Massacres and Morality: Mass Atrocities in an Age of Civilian Immunity.Alex J. Bellamy - 2012 - Oxford University Press.
    Starting with the French Revolution Massacres and Morality studies mass killing as perpetrated by states. In particular it examines the role that civilian immunity has played in shaping the behaviour of perpetrators and how international society has responded.
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    Are Inconclusive Decisions in Forensic Science as Deficient as They Are Said to Be?Alex Biedermann, Silvia Bozza, Franco Taroni & Joëlle Vuille - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Daniel Star, Knowing Better. [REVIEW]Alex Worsnip - 2016 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
  35. Are Subclasses Parts of Classes?Alex Oliver - 1994 - Analysis 54 (4):215 - 223.
    The fundamental thesis of David Lewis's "Parts of Classes" is that the nonempty subsets of a set are mereological parts of it. This paper shows that Lewis's considerations in favor of this thesis are unpersuasive. First, common speech provides no support. Second, the formal analogy between mereology and the Boolean algebra of sets can be explained without accepting the thesis. Third, it is very doubtful that the thesis is fruitful. Certainly, Lewis's claim that it helps us understand set theory is (...)
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  36. Three Case Studies in Making Fair Choices on the Path to Universal Health Coverage.Alex Voorhoeve, Tessa Edejer, Kapiriri Lydia, Ole Frithjof Norheim, James Snowden, Olivier Basenya, Dorjsuren Bayarsaikhan, Ikram Chentaf, Nir Eyal, Amanda Folsom, Rozita Halina Tun Hussein, Cristian Morales, Florian Ostmann, Trygve Ottersen, Phusit Prakongsai & Carla Saenz - 2016 - Health and Human Rights 18 (2):11-22.
    The goal of achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) can generally be realized only in stages. Moreover, resource, capacity and political constraints mean governments often face difficult trade-offs on the path to UHC. In a 2014 report, Making fair choices on the path to UHC, the WHO Consultative Group on Equity and Universal Health Coverage articulated principles for making such trade-offs in an equitable manner. We present three case studies which illustrate how these principles can guide practical decision-making. These case studies (...)
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  37. Scanlon on Substantive Responsibility.Alex Voorhoeve - 2007 - Journal of Political Philosophy 16 (2):184-200.
    I argue that Scanlon's Value of Choice View does not offer a plausible account of substantive responsibility. I offer a new account, which I call the Potential Value of Opportunities View. On this view, when a person is in a position to freely and capably make an informed choice, we assess her situation not by the outcome she achieves but by the potential value of her opportunities. This value depends on the value of the various things that she can achieve (...)
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    The interpretation of questions in dialogue.Alex Lascarides & Nicholas Asher - 2009 - Proceedings of Sinn Und Bedeutung, Vol. 13, No. 1.
    A semantic framework for interpreting dialogue should provide an account of the content that is mutually accepted by its participants. The acceptance by one agent of another’s contribution crucially involves the theory of what that contribution means; A’s acceptance of B’s contribution means that the content of B’s contribution must be integrated into A’s extant commitments.1 For assertions, traditionally assumed to express a proposition formalised as a set of possible worlds, it was clear how the integration should go: acceptance meant (...)
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    Culture, Trance, and the Mind‐Brain.Richard J. Castillo - 1995 - Anthropology of Consciousness 6 (1):17-34.
    Trance phenomena result from the behavior of intense focusing of attention, which is the key psychological mechanism of trance induction. Adaptive responses, including institutionalized forms of trance, are "tuned" into neural networks in the brain and depend to a large extent on the characteristics of culture. Culture‐specific organizations exist in the structure of individual neurons and in the organizational formation of neural networks.
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    Academic Philosophy and the Pursuit of Genuine Dialogue: Embracing Radical Friction.Lori Gallegos de Castillo - 2018 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 32 (1):92-111.
    Academic philosophy's lack of diversity is of concern because it results in a discipline that does not adequately reflect or address the experiences, concerns, and perspectives of many people outside of the dominant demographic. In this article, I examine some of the practical and psychological challenges of entering into dialogue with thinkers whose background knowledge, culture, life experiences, and/or methodologies generate philosophical thought that is radically different from one's own. I contend that in order to build a discipline that is (...)
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  41.  57
    La encrucijada de la cooperación para el desarrollo. Apuestas por una epistemología crítica.Manuel Antonio Jiménez-Castillo - 2018 - Ideas Y Valores 67 (167):223-240.
    El sistema de Cooperación Internacional al Desarrollo es epistemológica y operativamente ajeno a la complejidad reinante en su mundo de actuación. Su tradición académica ha venido históricamente determinada por dos reacciones antitéticas. Porun lado, restringe la realidad a un principio universalista donde el desarrollo es interpretado apriorísticamente. Por el otro, se somete a un empirismo extremo donde superando el carácter especulativo del anterior, se incapacita para forjar una teoría sobre lo que realmente funciona. En uno y en otro, el fetichismo (...)
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    Sobre el estudio empírico de la solidaridad: aproximaciones conceptuales y metodológicas.Ignacio Madero Cabib & Juan Carlos Castillo - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 31.
    La solidaridad, entendida como una operación social y comunicativa destinada a mantener la cohesión de las personas en el marco de la sociedad moderna, pone en evidencia la permanencia de un orden social estratificado que produce exclusión de ciertos derechos sociales. El presente artículo, intenta discutir más a fondo esta definición ofreciendo un análisis empírico y multidimensional de las conductas solidarias en Chile. Mediante análisis bivariados y de MANOVA de los datos de la “Encuesta de solidaridad 2010” (N=1389) generada por (...)
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  43. Moralización del sujeto y la autodevelación como dilemas éticas en psicoterapia.Juan Diego Castillo Ramírez - 2021 - In Antonio Sánchez Antillón (ed.), Aplicación de los principios éticos en las psicologías. Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, México: ITESO, Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara.
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    Ciudad rica y ciudadanos pobres. La consideración de la riqueza en el republicanismo florentino.Jesús Luis Castillo Vegas - 2014 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 7:71-91.
    La lectura de los clásicos, el estudio de la historia y la atenta observación de la práctica política de su tiempo le llevarán a Maquiavelo a romper con la tradición humanista sobre la propiedad y a defender la necesidad de limitaciones sobre la misma. Su concepción republicana sobre la propiedad se concentra en el lema de que la ciudad sea rica y los ciudadanos pobres. Esto supone una política de moderación que excluye por igual la concepción oligárquica de quienes confunden (...)
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  45. La cultura pemón y la dramática irrupción de lo sagrado.Rafael Castillo Velandia - 2005 - Naturaleza y Gracia 1:7-86.
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    Sham Surgery and Reasonable Risk.Alex John London - unknown
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  47. The grammar of goodness: an interview with Philippa Foot.Alex Voorhoeve - 2003 - Harvard Review of Philosophy 11:32-44.
    An interview with Philippa Foot about her book 'Natural Goodness' and the development of her thought. (Note: A slightly revised version appears in Conversations on Ethics, OUP 2009).
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  48. Phenomenology and Physics: Approximation of Husserl's Ideas to Einstein's Theory of General Relativity.Ruth Castillo - 2018 - In Fabio Minazzi (ed.), Centro Filosofico Internzionale Carlo Cattaneo e Giulio Pretti.
    En las actividades ordinarias de nuestra vida cotidiana encontramos nuestros actos de percepción confrontados por las cosas materiales. A ellos ─actos de percepción─ les atribuimos una existencia "real" asumiéndolos de tal manera que los sumergimos y transfundimos, de forma múltiple e indefinida, dentro del entorno de realidades análogas que se unen para formar un único mundo al que yo, con mi propio cuerpo, pertenezco. Ahora bien sí frente a la cotidianidad descrita anteriormente asumimos una actitud escéptica acerca de lo que (...)
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  49. Foundations of Niklas Luhmann’s Theory of Social Systems.Alex Viskovatoff - 1999 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 29 (4):481-516.
    Of all contemporary social theorists, Luhmann has best understood the centrality of the concept of meaning to social theory and has most extensively worked out the notion's implications. However, despite the power of his theory, the theory suffers from difficulties impeding its reception. This article attempts to remedy this situation with some critical arguments and proposals for revision. First, the theory Luhmann adopted from biology as the basis of his own theory was a poor choice since that theory has no (...)
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    The History of Philosophical and Formal Logic: From Aristotle to Tarski.Alex Malpass & Marianna Antonutti Marfori (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Publishing.
    The History of Philosophical and Formal Logic introduces ideas and thinkers central to the development of philosophical and formal logic. From its Aristotelian origins to the present-day arguments, logic is broken down into four main time periods: Antiquity and the Middle Ages The early modern period High modern period Early 20th century Each new time frame begins with an introductory overview highlighting themes and points of importance. Chapters discuss the significance and reception of influential works and look at historical arguments (...)
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